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Age: 21 or so
Height: 5'8
Fairly patient—but not as patient as Ven (no one’s as
patient as Ven)
Tbh if I
had to sort them in terms of patience: Ven, Aerith, Mickey, Aqua
Lives in a constant state of worry about Terra I’ll be blunt
about that
Protective of her friends (aka adopted siblings let’s be honest that’s what Ven/Terra are to her)
Generally kind and gentle and motherly
She and Aerith have a lot in common??
However Aqua gets angrier quicker—her patience runs thinner
especially with anyone she deems “evil” or has any reason to distrust, really
Probably takes her Master position incredibly seriously even
if she doesn’t like boasting around the title
Potentially regrets the Master title?? Wishes Terra got it
Can sense levels of light/darkness in people (which is an innate ability she was born with)
Has a good taste for what spells have been used previously
in an area, especially the stronger spells
Lacks a lot of people skills but honestly all three of them
do, and Ven is actually the one who’s best
at it of the three of them
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Into the Light by BeaMon |
All of BBS
Relationship with Eraqus and how his death has affected
her—all sorts of responsibility thrust on her shoulders
Her childhood growing up with Terra
Living with Ven for a good seven years
two of them being adopted brothers, Eraqus being an adopted father, living with
him since she was six or so and training under him and being raised in the
secluded shelter of the Land of Departure
Battles with Xehanort
Having to fight Vanitas in Ven’s body
Having to fight Xehanort in Terra’s body
Both of her final battles were against her possessed best
friends and she had to fight not knowing if she would kill them, if she would
be forced to kill them, hoping it would not come to that, but not knowing
And the outcomes of the battles: Ven’s heart lost to
oblivion and being unable to call it back, promising him that she would return,
breaking that promise, all while he sleeps on—potentially for eternity—and she
is powerless to do anything about it
Meanwhile, she knows that she did not stop Xehanort, knows
that he is in Terra’s body and that perhaps he really has smothered Terra’s
heart and hoping hoping that he’s
The seven years she spent in the Dark Realm (yes, it was only seven)—even if it
didn’t feel like seven years specifically, it had to have felt like an eternity
which she had no contact with anyone, did nothing but fight hordes and hordes
of Heartless, nearly gave up hope at least once…. Never smiled, never laughed,
just walked and walked and walked and…….. and fought for her life
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By: ガーヤ |
Fighting Style:
Very magic based and flowy and fights with her Keyblade
But a lot of magic
Command styles
For Aqua I have an entire list of high level commands she frequently uses, but it's like three pages long (ok, only one) and I REALLY don't feel like reposting it here. If you go to the khwiki there is an entire page/list of BBS commands and anything that's advanced or ultimate level (that she can learn), she has learned
Battle Log Entry
Like A LOT a lot magic she knows her stuff with her Keyblade
and her physical attacks are generally stronger than Ven’s but she relies SO
HEAVILY on magic and other special commands—all her spells are at least level 5
–agas if not –azas or some stronger shit
She rarely attacks physically except to finish building her
command charge thing, or if she’s in a top level command style and she just SHE.
WRECKS. SHIT. She is so strong she is Unstoppable
Also she basically has no limit of how much magic she can cast
unlike other people, it doesn’t drain her energy, she could not afford for it
to drain her energy so she adapted, she adapted.
if I’ll enforce the Command decks, especially so she isn’t TOO overpowerd, but
for the sake of the “Aqua decimates shit” oneshot, they aren’t in effect
For Aqua I have an entire list of high level commands she frequently uses, but it's like three pages long (ok, only one) and I REALLY don't feel like reposting it here. If you go to the khwiki there is an entire page/list of BBS commands and anything that's advanced or ultimate level (that she can learn), she has learned
Battle Log Entry
Aqua is extremely well-versed in magic, and fights in a rather flow-y sort of style. Being from a different age, she knows an old technique known as "Command Styles", which allow her to unleash devastating elemental combos after enough power has been gathered.
Aqua didn’t earn the title of Master for nothing, and seven years in the Dark Realm doing nothing but fight Heartless gave her a lot of extra practice. She doesn’t like to brag about her prowess, but she is capable of chain casting many high-level magic commands without breaking a sweat, and can clear a room full of Neoshadows in about 2 seconds flat. To put it more bluntly: watch out, because Aqua can wreck your shit.
I,,,, wanna say Aqua was Eraqus’s first apprentice but he
couldn’t not take Terra in because Terra was orphaned and his heart went out
the boy and
Aqua understands that Eraqus loves Terra as a son and
probably a little more than he loves her
But she doesn’t mind too much
Eraqus is kinda like a father to her and she knows he loves
His death probably shook her up real bad—ESPECIALLY hearing
that Terra had a hand in it (though I hope to hell that someone manages to tell her that Xehanort was the one who
dealt the final blow and that Terra has a chance to sit down sometime and
articulate to her that he was just trying to protect Ven and he knows he went
too far but he didn’t intend to kill
their Master)
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by trapinchmon |
Okay this is going to be hard to articulate in full but they
grew up together—have known each other AT LEAST half their lives?
Imagine 10-year-old Aqua being introduced to 8-year-old
Terra when Eraqus adopts him as an apprentice/son
So they’ve known each other like……. nearly ten years now.
yeah. Half of their lives
They're really close and basically adopted siblings
She’s really worried about Terra now and wants to find him
and is kinda?? So worried and upset about him and with him y’know?
She’s not happy with what he did. She’ll forgive him but at
the moment she has no legitimate proof that
he didn’t at least partially if not FULLY intend everything he did
She doesn’t know he didn’t mean to kill Eraqus
She doesn’t know he didn’t realize what Xehanort intended
until it was too late
She doesn’t know Terra was manipulated by every name of evil
that exists in the worlds
All she knows is that Terra was so prone to darkness and
that him falling to darkness was so believable and expected that she blames
herself for not stopping it because she saw it coming like,,,, three years ago
and she holds onto that regret
If only she’d talked to him. Said something to Eraqus.
Something. Anything.
She believes she could’ve saved him and blames herself for
not doing it and regrets it so bad
Also she can sense light/darkness levels in people's hearts and so she spent every day sensing the darkness beating in Terra's chest and just feeling it constantly. It didn't worry her at first--it didn't bother her until she brought it up to Eraqus and he sort of panicked.
I won't say she was frightened of it, entirely, frightened of the darkness she could feel growing in Terra's chest, but she could definitely sense it—she has always sensed it, and she felt Xehanort coddle it and feed through Birth By Sleep and I think that's really important to be aware of.
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byblackpaopu |
She….. babies Ven really bad like
They are friends as much as Terra and her are but
She babies him so bad she’s always worried about him getting
hurt always pulling him away from danger always super on the lookout for things
that could hurt him so that she can keep him away from them
And like he generally appreciates it but he also jokes with
her so much “omg Aqua I’m okay I’m fine” he just reminds her and reminds her
and reminds her that
He’s not as broken as he used to be
He’s learned how to cope
He’s grateful when it comes to nightmares/darkness/Vanitas
And he could never be legitimately ANGRY with her over it
but there is a playful annoyance over it like I said
She just worries so much about him--he's her little brother and she couldn't stand if something happened to him like something happened to Terra so she protects him very very fiercely.
(I mean horrible things DID happen to him but..... shh....... shh)
She also thinks she's sweet and adorable and the cutest little brother she could've asked for
She could sense light/darkness in him which lead her to be..... slightly distrusting of him
Like this goes one of two ways
She just distrusted him but was too polite to say anything
She trusted Eraqus’s judgment and it gave her hope for Terra
because if Xehanort can be so full of darkness and apparently not be evil then
Terra can’t be in danger either??
I never imagine she particularly liked him but again she was
too polite to bring it up/trusted her master’s judgment/both
Though now she’s. okay. She hates him. I’ll be blunt. She
hates him she hates what he did to Ven what he did to Terra how he ruined her
life because she knows it’s him even if she doesn’t know he killed Eraqus
She believes Terra
didn’t entirely go with Xehanort of his free will she assumes Xehanort had a hand in it and blames him for it
And she’s right but she doesn’t KNOW she’s right she doesn’t
FULLY know what happened between Terra and Xehanort she doesn’t know
She doesn’t
And that probably eats at her during those 7 years in the
dark realm. What if Terra really did mean
everything he did?
Xehanort terrifies her because he’s the darkness she always
feared in Terra taken physical form in a way, you feel?
He’s all she feared in Terra
In the form of an incredibly manipulative and smart old man
that she cannot—could not for the longest time—call out on what she believes is
Oh gosh but imagine them meeting a lot and she’s really
respectful of him partially because he’s king partially because he’s older and CLEARLY more experienced than her
But like just
He was Yen Sid’s pupil and Eraqus and Yen Sid were friends
so when Mickey was training under Yen Sid perhaps they would meet up and so
Aqua and Mickey would meet up she’s
She’s known him from a very young age
Isn’t that something
I know it’s not what happened in canon but I think that’d be
really neato and then it’s just even MORE reason for Mickey to be invested in
finding Terra
He watched these kids grow up
They’re more than friends, they’re family
She super hates Vanitas like,,, worse than Xehanort
Because not only is he an asshole
He’s more CLEARLY the darkness she so fears in physical form
Knowing that this abomination
of darkness is actually half of Ven’s heart?? that darkness was in Ven
too??? It horrifies her. It infuriates her
She gets so mad at Vanitas and some of it is out of fear of
what he is and how horrible the darkness is
And of course he can feel her fear and anger and he THRIVES
on it
He’s also an asshole to her and to Ven and says some REALLY
mean things about Ven so that’s only more reason for her to hate him
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