Age: 26
Height: 5'4
Birthday: January 12
Incredibly kind and considerate and gentle and caring, so is
Leon, their mother pound it into them well
She’s not a huge fan of Swearing, it's just, how she and Leon were raised
She puts everyone’s safety and comfort first
She’s super accepting of things but if you give her
bad/upsetting/horrifying news she’s not good at reacting to it,,,, she’ll stare
in horror for a while before she can think of something to say, if she can
think of something to say,,,,
She gets a little squeamish about A Lot of blood because Bad
She’s hard to anger, unless, ah, it involves the defense of
someone she cares about,,,,
Leon’s kind of the same, except for him it’s
with impulsiveness, not anger
Super polite—almost to a fault. She hates insulting anyone
or being the slightest bit mean
Extremely hospitable (the Gainsborough way)
Has a keen sense for residual traces of magic
not as strong as Aqua’s or Rinoa’s—Aqua’s was heavily trained and refined,
while Rinoa’s comes inherently with being a sorceress and spending A LOT of
time dealing with literally all the magics. Aerith isn’t bad at sensing
residual magic traces, and she does deal heavily with magic, her sense just
isn’t as refined or as accurate
Good judge of character
Tries to see the good in everyone which may contradict the
last one but she definitely looks for the good in people and treats them based
on their good qualities not their bad ones—but she knows bad vibes when she
gets them
just because she’s nice to everyone doesn’t mean she doesn’t see that they’re
really completely terrible people, and she’s just being polite because it’s a decent thing to do
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Growing up with Squall and being raised as siblings
Growing up with a Healer Mother
Everyone at school—at least in her
grade—would go to her for minor healings, and she missed school a lot to help
her mom out with the “business”
Idk how much Squall missed
comparatively, but, he probably missed school semi-frequently at the least
Her relationship with Zack, meeting him, him visiting RG a
lot, staying the night sometimes in between jobs, them dating
Participating in FF8
Rinoa staying with them for a while afterwards or w/e
Losing Elmyra
Losing Zack
Losing Radiant Garden
hits a funk, for a bit, in traverse town, when all the loss makes her heart
nearly collapse on itself, and even if she and squall are close and siblings
that doesn’t mean she can’t have grown distant from him during the time
snaps out of it at some point but she does have A Funk
Living in traverse town
Sephiroth is a point of all of the HB gang's history that needs to be remembered. Specifically for Aerith: Sephiroth taunted her about Zack a lot
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Fighting Style:
Aerith does know a wide variety of magic, but she tends to stick to support/defensive magic the most, such as Cures and Esunas and Barriers, etc. She can do offensive magic—especially in large amounts—but she generally is fighting in a group, and in a group, her talents are better focused towards support. Everyone else can take care of the fighting. She can make sure none of them get their butt handed to them while doing it.
Relationships to other characters:
They were raised together, as siblings!! This is her
brother!!! She likes him a lot,,,, but that’s,,, I mean, like I said, it’s hard
to translate siblings into words
They talk a lot, she trusts him a lot, it’s normally him she
goes to when she’s in over her head with something, and she's SO grateful for him
He appreciates her kindness, she appreciates his
level-headedness and ability to stay calm in most hard situations, also he’s
kind, he’s a kind guy, he’s a Gainsborough, that’s what Gainsboroughs are
They look after each other, they talk a lot quietly to each
other about life and stuff like they don’t Super Hang Out And Kid With Each
Other All The Time, their relationship is just kinda quiet yanno???? They talk
about life, about issues, about the restoration, about Riku, about Namine,
about Rinoa, about Zack, about their mom, they understand each other so well
I’ve said it elsewhere, but: she probably feels bad about
Traverse Town, about the depression that hits him, because she knows it’s
indirectly her fault, and the name change she knows is because he couldn’t
protect her, he couldn’t be good to her, she knows that, and it saddens her,
but there is an overwhelming gratitude in her chest that his name went from “Squall Gainsborough” to “Leon Gainsborough” and not to “Squall Leonhart” because she lost so much in that year and she doesn't think she could've handled it if she'd lost her brother as well
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They met when they were 16 or so and he was traveling a lot
but he stopped by at her place between jobs so much because he could guarantee
bed and a meal there, plus he liked her, and that was no secret
They went thru FF8 together and that builds a relationship
like no business, though there were "seriously" dating a little before FF8 happened (ages 17/18,
not too young) but all they really did were super cheesey dates
They loved each other and it was happy bubbly sort of love,
making each other laugh, going on those aforementioned cheesey dates, hand holding short kisses,
teasing Squall, teasing Squall and Rinoa both, it’s, yanno, they were very much
in love and there wasn’t anything special to it, it was just, two kids in love
And then he died and she lost one of the most important
people in her life, right after losing her mother, and she watched him die an
she couldn’t save him and it stung, it
stung so hard, and she carries not just the weight of his death but also the weight of "I was there but I couldn't save him" for years
This is!! Aerith’s mom!!! She loves her mom!!! There’s
literally!!!! Nothing much to add!!
She was raised to be polite and caring, and she learned
soooo much about healing form her mom, Elmyra taught her everything she knew,
They’d known she was gonna die sooner rather than later of
course, she was getting Way Up There in years, and so it was expected, but it
still hurt, oohhhh it still hurt, Zack stayed for a week at least, Rinoa might
have visited more frequently as well, Aerith and Leon both had a nice
looooonnnng cry about it
They missed her, they missed her bad, and I’m not saying
that’s not true but the death of her mom did not weigh as heavy on Aerith as
Zack’s death did, and there’s honestly,,,,, a good chance that Zack dying so
soon after her mother did that made his death so much harder to bear
((nevermind the fact how he died—brutally murdered, she couldn’t heal him, you
can’t heal old age and she knew that, but she could’ve healed Zack’s wounds,
but she should’ve been able to, but her knowledge was not enough, and it sucked))
Aerith and Rinoa are good friends, I mean, when you travel
with someone for a year, that happens, also Rinoa’s Squall’s not-so-serious
girlfriend and she supports them all the way, she really does
She likes her outside of her being Squall’s girlfriend
though, of course she does, maybe she thinks Rinoa is a little immature but, actually probably not, Aerith does at no point consider herself Above Others or
more Mature than others, and there’d have to be a bigger age gap for her to
even potentially consider Rinoa immature
Rinoa’s just another person to get to know, and Rinoa’s
pretty likeable, they all become good friends over the course of ff8 and the
years after, that’s a fact, it’s articulating the hows and whys they like each
other that’s the Problem
Still!! she likes Rinoa and she’s always here for Helping
People (and so is their mom) so it’s no big deal to invite her into the house
for a couple months while she sorts herself out, and Aerith/Elmyra/Squall/Zack
help as much as they can
((it’s in, a lot of ways, something Rinoa has to figure out
for herself, but support always Helps))
So yeah!! they get along!! They’re good friends!! It’s
always nice to see her, to hear from her, etc
Like I say in Leon’s page, he may have visited Elmyra a
lot for chronic back pain also the moment she learned he could make a mean soup
she was calling him over a lot for help because if there’s anything she needs it’s
the resources to feed a lot of people
And I mentioned before that there’s a chance Elmyra
just up and recruits him to make soup weekly for them so he’s over at least
once a week, so he’s a family friend
They get along of course, Aerith gets along with everyone,
she tries so hard to, and after 5+ years of living each other, of course they
know each other well and like I said they’re all a family, and as I’m
realizing, it’s hard to put the dynamic of family into words
The only thing special about this family is “we were all in
a bad spot so we stuck together and now we’re staying together”, that’s it, that’s
She looks after him makes sure he’s eaten and slept because that’s
just what she’s been taught by her mother to watch out for, and so it’s second
nature, even if Cid isn’t sick / injured or anything
And just so we’re clear: the world fell, Aerith and Leon
were together because brother and sister, Cid had a rescue ship ready to take
anyone he could gather outta there, maybe they went to him, maybe he went to
them, and then Yuffie they picked up on the way, because
they weren’t gonna leave anyone they saw behind
(it’s, just, Yuffie was the only one they saw lmao)
For extra clarification: Aerith/Leon were 21/20 when it fell, and Yuffie was 13
Aerith actually knew Yuffie, kinda, before Radiant Garden's fall---she caught Yuffie stealing once and ever since then tried to keep an eye on the girl, along with make her return whatever she stole (or Aerith paid for it)---but her efforts to keep an eye on Yuffie were only so successful
((in FtPverse canon, Yuffie was an orphan))
She tried to inquire about Yuffie's parents and/or take Yuffie to her own mom, but Yuffie always managed to squirm away before she could get far with either plan.
After Radiant Garden's fall, Yuffie became family, and Aerith looked out for her the most because she was relatively used to dealing with Yuffie, or at least dealing with Yuffie stealing things, also neither Leon nor Cid were that great with kids, and while Yuffie was 13, she was still a bit of a handful
Yuffie also Really Looks Up to Aerith and Aerith of course is super fond of her
also they're, just, family
also they're, just, family
Aerith didn’t initially know Riku very well, obviously, but
she considered him very strong and very determined (if not very good with
people) and admired him for both things
She also does not forget that he is only a child—he is no
older than Yuffie—and that he is maybe taking on too much responsibility, maybe
trying too hard to be someone who he shouldn’t have to be
She’s worried about him because leading an entire rebellion
(against his will??) seems like a task too strong for a boy his age to take on,
but he shoulders it, and she isn’t sure how to tell him that he should slow
down because they are, really, only friends in passing, at that point. They
know each other, but him going to her for advice isn’t exactly a common thing,
and while she can step in and tell him to stop trying so hard, she never did
to mention, sometimes she thinks: we weren’t that much older when we went to
another world and took down Ultimecia, so maybe he isn’t too young
Aaaaand then she finds about his past about what happened to
him and it infuriates her, it saddens
her. I won’t say she’s never dealt with abuse before (with the sort of business
her mother ran, I’m sure one or two kids probably showed up, at least) but she’d never
had to handle it so personally.
Riku saddens her
Riku baffles her
She has trouble wrapping her mind around the idea that
anyone could have gone through so much hurt, that his whole life has been so
short and so much of it has been filled with suffering—that kind of pain is
near unimaginable to her, and seeing how much it has affected Riku, how much it
has broken him, it hurts
Aerith isn’t inexperienced with hurt—of course she isn't. Yuffie was an orphan, Leon grew up with resentment towards Laguna, she herself lost her mother, then Zack, then her world all within the same year. She just never really knew hurt
could take a form like it did in Riku’s life, a form so cruel, so terrifying.
Loss is one thing, abuse is another.
And then there’s the fact that Riku thinks he deserves pain, the fact that he is not
only hurting, but he is hurting himself, and all she can think of to do is
smother him in love because clearly he has not had enough in his life, clearly
he needs it and needs it desperately.
It’s in Aerith’s nature to look after people
Riku is no exception
Also, he is family, becomes family, because she knows he
needs it
Also: important but not entirely relevant:
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And by this point of ATR, two months into the fact, they know each other well, they do, Namine’s quiet and doesn’t participate much in conversation, but that’s okay, that’s what Leon does, she can too, it's fine
By now it’s habit, it’s second nature, to adopt people into
the folds of this family, and after Riku, it was no question that Namine would
come in as well
And by this point of ATR, two months into the fact, they know each other well, they do, Namine’s quiet and doesn’t participate much in conversation, but that’s okay, that’s what Leon does, she can too, it's fine
We’ll start with Dead Inside—Riku and Namine were both passing
friends, kids who showed up and who they looked out for because that’s the
Gainsborough way, and in Dead Inside, Namine was fine. There were the
meltdowns, and those were troubling, and Aerith worried, but they were out of
her depth, they were over her head, they were not something she could cure
She thought Namine was determined and strong and a little
like Rinoa, stubborn and always getting her way, though also like Leon in a lot
of ways, Namine always reminded her of Leon, though she maybe she always sees a
little bit of her brother in everyone else
And then Namine moves in, and she reminds Aerith a lot less
of Rinoa, and a lot more like Leon, quiet, keeping to herself, and Namine’s
been five years since she dealt specifically with this trauma and Namine isn’t
as blunt with it as Rinoa was, actually
She wants so bad to help Namine, and will do everything in
her power to help, because that’s who she is, that’s what it means to be a
Gainsborough, to help people however you can, and Namine is family now, there’s
no abandoning her
Cloud knew Zack and of course Aerith because Zack brought
him by at least once
So they did get to know each other and stuff. I don’t know
quite the depths of Aerith/Cloud’s relationship but they both knew Zack really
really well and so they were both affected by his death just in different ways
They both turned it inwards but Aerith buried it
Cloud blamed himself so much it spawned Sephiroth
She ‘n Cloud get along pretty well though like they hung out
when Zack would bring him by so they know each other really well
After Zack's death, Aerith tries as
best as she can to comfort Cloud but that's only so easy when she's suffering
herself, only so easy when he becomes a rock that lets no one in.
Tifa’s loud but she’s kind too, and Aerith knows under all
that rough and tough and yelling she cares a loooooot about her friends
Aerith met Tifa before Cloud, I keep saying: Tifa showed up at her house/in
Radiant Garden one day and was like "yo so have you seen this guy with
blond spikey hair because I am looking for him" and then later Cloud
showed up and he was like "TIFA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE", etc
They all became friends down the line, all of them, Aerith / Leon / Zack / Cloud / Tifa and, even Rinoa
Aerith and Tifa are polar opposites, though, so that's, a thing. Tifa’s blunt and
Aerith’s polite. Aerith is patient and Tifa doesn’t have time for anyone’s
shit. So.
It's not that they don’t like each other!!! it’s more of they just
get frustrated at each other a lot
They’re both prone to looking after people (Aerith because
she wants to, Tifa because she has to) and they go about it different ways and
they probably butt heads a lot about what’s best ‘n stuff
They do get along well ofc, regardles, and they used to talk about
Cloud/Zack a lot and now they both kinda look after Cloud
They are friends and they like each other and they get along
they just don’t agree on everything all the time
Not sure if this posted... but I'm surprised Aerith's MP isn't higher.
ReplyDeletewell, I mean, the only higher it can get is max...
Delete*shrug* Idk