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Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Extremely fucking blunt
And opinionated
Speaks her mind literally 100% of the time
Can be incredibly inconsiderate
Incredibly straightforward
And stubborn
Can sense light/dark levels
Fairly perceptive—though she tends to be blunt about it
rather than considerate
Likes to get to the point as quick as possible
Probably good with kids though??
As such she generally comes off as rude to most people
Spending like five years trailing Cloud and helping him out
with Sephiroth
Sephiroth in general
Growing up with Cloud
She’s spent ages on the move she’s probably not used to
being still anymore
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Fighting Style:
Fights with her fists and stuff—bunch of powerful kicks and
punches and throwing people around
I imagine she’s got like a black belt in some form of
martial art?? An extremely offensive one
Can use light attacks, but isn’t prone to
Can also use a diverse array of magic, though none of it
very powerful (think Fire or Fira vs Aerith’s Firaga or Firaza)
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Tifa and Cloud haaaave known each other since they were kids
and they know each other kinda well
But like
It’s a sort of passing thing according to canon where they
knew each other in passing but never quite exactly hung out ((imagine that kid in high school who was in all of your classes that you talked to but weren't friends with))
But I’d like to think by the time they were 15 or so they
started talking pretty frequently ((imagine Tifa getting sick of how all the other guys treat her and starts hanging out by Cloud bc he's not a jerk))
When Cloud left Nibelheim, Tifa didn't go after him immediately. She was like "eh he can do whatever he wants" but after probably six months she decided... not to go after him, exactly, but to go off on her own, telling her dad she was going after him despite not.... actually.... going after him....
She may not meet up with him until one time at Aerith's--she was already hanging out there (she already knew Aerith) and then Cloud (and Zack) showed up and Cloud was like "what" and she was like "HI"
She didn't start following Cloud until she realized how bad of a state he was because of how the darkness had meddled with him, plus Sephiroth, etc. ("Well he doesn't want help but he certainly needs someone to keep an eye on him so I guess I'll tail him.") There's actually a chance she didn't start following him until after Zack died. And a high chance she traveled with Zack and Cloud around the worlds for a certain period of time, to be honest.
To wrap this up: she and Cloud are really good friends, who have known each other for basically their entire lives. Perhaps Tifa doesn't give Cloud enough credit when it comes to battling the darkness, but at this point, I'm sure she'd rather be safe than sorry and keep an eye on him anyway. (Despite how much he claims he certainly doesn't need it.)
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Tifa and Aerith are good friends who enjoy hobbies like "looking after their boys aka together". (by boys I mean largely Cloud bc Aerith worried about Zack but they both worry about Cloud)
They get along really well but they are polar opposites and disagree often.
She sees herself in Kairi in a lot of ways, and helps her because of that. She relates Kairi's struggle to save Sora with her struggle to help Cloud, though her and her slightly-overprotective nature lead her to do a lot of "telling Kairi what to do" even when it's not exactly the best option?? It's almost as if she's trying to shape Kairi's life so it doesn't end up like hers.
Buuuuut perhaps she's learned her lesson by now, or softened a little now that Sora's been found--she's in a lot of ways a "friendly mentor", though the advice she offers may be offered in not-so-friendly ways, despite how well-meaning she is in it.
She and Kairi know each other pretty well after traveling together for a month+, too
I don’t know how to articulate it exactly but Sephiroth did
some real nasty things to Cloud and her and the rest of the HB gang and she’ll
never forgive him
Sephiroth has tainted her view of the darkness (and Shadows)
so much
She already thought it was bad
But having a physical thing with a face an attitude to blame
makes matters worse she Does Not Like Sephiroth
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