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Age: 15
Height: 5’5
Birthday: March 21st
As a Destiny Islands native, he’s got dark skin (“brown” I
guess you’d call it) and his hair isn’t that “blond” shit it is in kh2 it’s
brown it’s like KH1 level brown and dark if not darker. He’s horribly short (Kairi’s taller than him), and of a
generally lanky and wiry build—plus a little underweight at the moment
Obvs he’s also got that nasty scar across his face—specifically,
it runs from his left eyebrow (his left eye does have a bit of a squint because
of it) all the way to his right jaw and then down his right shoulder (though it
does skip in places, and there’s a good bit on his neck about between his
collarbone and jaw that’s clean, and his nose might as well be unmarked)
He’s generally just very exhausted after all he’s been
He’s still incredibly blunt with a lot of things
And there is a slight disregard for how his opinions are
going to harm other people
Like he’s a little more conscious of that than he has been
in canon but only by so much
I wouldn’t be surprised if he had PTSD and nightmares too
Now has Shad's memories, and a few of Shad's abilities--namely, summoning Shad's set of chains
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History to keep in mind
Obvs his dealings with the darkness
He’s got it fairly in check—Shad’s
split from him helped drastically—but the problems do show up now and again
His general love for/knowledge of fairytales
Him and Kairi growing up together and swimming together and
being on the islands together
The like 4+ months he spent anticipating Kairi was going to
hate him
Staying with Maleficent. Both times.
Honestly he's not feeling too hot about the people he killed in Dead Inside--Maleficent and Shad especially, though he's kinda queasy about Luxord and Xaldin too
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Fighting style:
Fights two-handed with his Keyblade and is pretty well
rounded however he does prefer physical attacks over magic attacks—he thinks he
stinks at magic (he really doesn’t)
Battle Log entry:
Battle Log entry:
Sora’s nowhere near “Keyblade Master” material, but he’s still a rather formidable foe. He’s well rounded, and has the potential to only get better. Just give him a few more months to practice—he’ll be up with the pros in no time! He prefers the hack-and-slash sort of fighting, but he’s not nearly as bad as magic as he thinks he is. Honestly, his only weakness in terms of battle is his current lack of practice and skill.
Relationships with other characters
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FOR HER and he so so so so regrets
Falling to Pieces he regrets it so bad
They did everything together as kids they played games
played pretend and there are literally no two closer people, probably. They’re
really like siblings
They have all sorts of inside jokes and stories to share and
that they know about all sorts of secret things they did together as kids + as
they got older
Sora thinks Kairi’s amazing but after Falling to Pieces he’s just worried
she hates him he’s worried that what he did created a rift he cannot fix and
he’s scared to death of it. Of course Kairi forgives him and then he realizes he was stupid for thinking she'd hate him, and things get better.
Granted, there are still days where Sora has to look at her twice to be sure she's there, has to stop and ask her are you sure it's okay because it doesn't feel right in his head sometimes. Of course, it is, but that doesn't keep him from doubting on occasion.
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Very distrusting because you have to remember Shad tried to
kill him + drag him into darkness at least twice Sora’s a forgiving person but
it’s hard not to be distrusting of his Shadow’s motives
He’ll feel some sympathy and pity for his Shadow but towards
the beginning of Dead Inside it’s just anger and distrust--it's not 'til later that those feelings evolve to pity and then later sympathy
By the time their connection is restored again...
That’s when Maleficent's death happens and they were so in touch that it expands a little past the anger—he’s
still upset with his Shadow though after all he’s done but maybe he finds it a
little easier to trust his Shadow because he’s been in his head
He’s seen the fact that Shad really,,, doesn’t want,,,, to
hurt him
(even if it takes him a while to believe what he saw)
And he’s skeptical of Shad’s death but he’s more angry at
the circumstances than Shad for it because it’s,,, it seems so UNFAIR for the
+ he’s apprehensive because his shadow,,, admitted,,,, to
loving him and that’s Hecka Weird tbh
This frustrates him so much
actually he has so many mixed feelings on it because he knows what Shad felt
and knows it was true but that doesn’t make it any less disconcerting. “This being of darkness who tried to kill me more
than once?? Loves me???? ??????????” and it frustrates the heck out of him
Not forgetting he’s so so so so so upset about how Shad’s
death went it was so unfair. It didn’t have to go like that. He didn’t want it
to go like that but he was forced into it
IT’S KINDA LIKE LUXORD’S DEATH he didn’t want to fight and
kill Luxord but Luxord forced him into it and killing in general leaves a bad
taste in his mouth as is but it’s even worse when it comes to people he can’t
exactly justify killing
Maleficent? The worlds are definitely better off without her
(though he’s still uncomfortable about her death because he was forced into it
by his Shadow. He wasn’t exactly against fighting
her and killing her but he wasn’t itching to do it and the mere fact of being
FORCED to do it and not having a choice makes him want to backpedal so hard nevermind never mind never mind I don’t want
to do this)
Like literally only Xaldin and Ansem (and I guess Xigbar??
That was a team effort though) are deaths he is okay with because he chose to fight them and kill them he chose to
He didn’t get that choice with Maleficent
He didn’t get that choice with Luxord (and while the worlds
are probably better off without him, too, again, it’s that lack of choice that
makes Sora regret it)
And he didn’t get a choice when it came to Shad either
So pile that on top of the fact that Shad said he loved
Sora, and then just imagine how much it all upsets Sora
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Okay so he’s still sorta Jealous Of Riku though it’s???
toned down I imagine he’s gotten better at not being jealous or at least not
relying so much on those jealous feelings
He tries to be nice to Riku and they get along well enough
to fight together all side-by-side but they’ve had their disagreements and they
will always have their disagreements
Sora sorta looks up to Riku but he also sees Riku’s biggest
flaws quite plainly as in being a Huge Asshole and Only Caring About Namine
Also they both try to be sensitive around each other though
because they’re both afraid of pushing the other to breaking point--Riku
doesn’t want to bring up Sora’s darkness and Sora in general has conditioned
himself to Keep Quiet about flaws and stuff
They go out of their way to not offend the other for the
most part
But when they do offend each other it goes Downhill Very
They're good friends, and he's happy to see her safe and healthy and he likes spending time with her
I mean
they did spend three months on the Islands together--three months with Riku and Kairi too, of course, but it was all four of them
They are good friends, I just don't know how their relationship expands beyond that
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(he’s not the only person who’s upset by that though)
But generally/other than that they get along
Roxas has no bones to pick with Sora outside of attacking
him that one time, which tbh Roxas is hardly even upset about
And Sora has no bones to pick with Roxas minus his inability
to be serious
Sora and Joseph get along very well they play-pretend a lot
and Sora’s got so many stories to
share with Joseph and stuff
+ Kairi absolutely loooovess
hanging out with Joseph and so Sora does it a lot, too
He likes Joseph a lot though Joseph is generally hard to
But y’know Joseph likes to play games and listen to all of
the made up stories Sora has and maybe Joseph becomes an author and writes them
all down or they team up and Sora becomes the author but his typing speed is shit (he’s not tech savvy) so Joseph
will type stuff up for him
And maybe later Joseph draws pictures for it too
(Namine helps but she only helps so much)
He and Cloud understand each other because they both dealt
with the darkness and shadow’s and in general are very tired of life afterwards
Sora probably bounces back better because he’s younger
But they understand each other and get along pretty well and
Cloud knows what questions to ask and not ask
BUT!! Cloud treats Sora with how he wants to be treated
which is not necessarily how Sora wants to be treated
Sora doesn’t want to be shut off from everything he does
want to hear constant affirmation that he’s not hated for what he’s done
The HB Gang
He thinks Aerith is really sweet + a good healer and he
admires that
Plus he knows about Zack and that’s,,,, y’know,,,,
something. He tries to be sensitive about that
He’s not sure what to do with Leon but he supposes he
admires him for his?? Strength?? Calmness? Ability to hold together?
Cid is that cranky old grandpa + a good cook
Yuffie is two years older than him and is taking puberty
just as bad as he is, it seems. Plus she’s not really,,, mature,,,,,,
She also probably tries to pull I’M OLDER THAN YOU SO YOU
BETTER DO WHAT I SAY a lot but Sora doesn’t listen to her. Probably no one
does. Poor Yuffie.
Tifa is very blunt and incredibly bossy and that’s all Sora
knows about her. Honestly
(plus that Cloud looks up to her and stuff and whatever Cloud has told her about her he knows)
Sora is really respectful of Mickey and Mickey looks out for
him like an awkward parent
Sora thinks Mickey is really cool and well trained and if
Mickey took apprentices Sora would want to be his
Meanwhile Mickey is severely thrown off by Sora and his
darkness and it unsettles him—he distrusts and hates darkness worse than anyone
else in this universe (or at least in the major cast of characters) and he can't help but believe that Sora is tainted
Sora and Ven have a rocky relationship because Ven kinda
resents him for letting the darkness into his heart--Ven is a gentle soul and can hardly hold a grudge, but having your safe haven ruined by darkness and forcing you out of a healing sleep years too early is not very pleasant, and wasn't very good for him
Honestly, Ven's hypersensitivity to darkness is likely caused by his stay in Sora's heart, and the building darkness in it which forced Ven to leave it during Falling to Pieces
Aaaalsssooo whatever is left of Vanitas is somewhere in Sora
(well somewhere in Shad and the remnants of Shad are in Sora) and the remnants
of Vanitas call to Ven, resonate with him, and it kinda just…. makes Ven sick to his stomach
He is not entirely complete without that part of Vanitas in him, and having it call out to him day to day from Sora's chest isn't pleasant
Aqua and Sora get along okay but she’s a little worried
about him and falling into darkness and thinks he was too young to put up with
that and kind of blames herself for it because I was the one who gave him the Keyblade omg and that’s rough
Sora admires her though she’s the adventurer from when he
was 7 and she’s strong and a Keyblade Master and everything he’s wanted to be
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