A list of the important Replicas in the series and what role they serve. Done from memory, so it's probably extremely accurate when I say "the most important of them". (If I didn't remember them, they can't be important.)
Listed by Replica type
Alpha - the only Zexion Replica still alive, well, active. He's sort of in charge of the Rebellion, likes getting his way, and everyone, for the most part, has been at least vaguely frustrated with him at some point. He's kind of a prick.
He was in charge of research on Namine's meltdowns, didn't allow Vexen to ever touch a computer, and for the most part was available if anything computer related needed to be done. Can work the full Program.
* = important
** = extra important
2 - Wasn't very important after the first half of Dead Inside. Has a special ability of remembering everything he's ever seen or heard. Kind of was just used for fact giving when it was necessary.
6 - Not very important, plot wise, but he's brought up a lot. 6 is the slightly insane Replica who's not all there in the head.
**7 - A medic. Probably one of the best medics ever built, though he did spend a lot of time prior to the Truth Hurts at a psuedo rivalry with R, who wrote viruses tailored to make Replicas sick, and he spent a lot of his time figuring out how to get rid of said viruses.
Very skilled with the Program and reading Code. Despite his rivalry with R, he had a huge soft spot for her. (Dead Inside chapters 135-138 expand on this). He's usually around if there is something wrong with someone's data/programming/whatever. There are other big things he did but honestly he became so important that if you don't remember he was involved with these things I don't know what to say??? Also they were pretty big spoilers and since ppl from early Dead Inside may be checking out this list, well, whoops.
*19 - stopped being really important about halfway through Dead Inside. There was supposed to be a huge plotline with him but was scrapped. Was the first Replica introduced, alongside 23, in the Truth Hurts.
Keeper of the binder containing a bunch of pictures Namine drew during her early stages of being built that sort of predict the future. (see: the 19 chapters of ASAS, plus "19 and Edd") That plotline was also dropped, for the most part.
23 - traitor to the Rebellion, and "brother" to 19. 19's deeper plotline involved 23's betrayal, but after ch127 that was never touched again.
*26 - has access to and knowledge of how to use the Full Program, and was generally around when Replicas need to be created before Vexen's death and the Rebellion. Stayed with the Organization. Was deeply involved in Roxas related things.
**29 - Joseph's caretaker and basically father. If Joseph is around, you can bet he is too. He hasn't done much plot wise, I suppose, but he's important because Joseph's important. Yeah.
**37 - main antag, sorta--main rival and problem presented to the Rebellion, along with L, his Larxene girlfriend. They were both major pains, though not exactly good at their job. After various unsuccessful raids on Castle Oblivion, they eventually set their sights on kidnapping Namine. The rest is spoilers but also something that you should probably remember, lol.
L - 37's girlfriend. Was probably the brains behind their whole operation--not that 37 didn't have brains, of course, he totally did, she just came up with most of their ideas. He had the means to carry them out.
Q - Was not as important as I'd intended her to be. Good friends with L, at least, before the Rebellion started. Sorta had a play in 23's betrayal, as in, she came to warn the Rebellion of it (toots my own horn that part was real good actually). Also good friends with Amaryllis. They were supposed to have plans / their own plotline, too, but there ended up not being room.
R - While certainly not the most important Larxene (that would be L), she's probably the most memorable and definitely my favorite. She only had a few chapters in Dead Inside, but I put her in Nothing's Fair at every chance I got because I liked her too darn much.
R was the smartest Larxene Replica (if not just Replica in general??) alive, and had an understanding of the Replica Program to match. She decided to use these smarts to write viruses specifically tailored to Replicas (each usually relatively harmless, though annoying, giving Replicas symptoms like the common cold, and so on.)--creating viruses simultaneously brought her closer to and put her on ends with 7. She also had the unfortunate luck of catching every virus she ever wrote.
She shows up in Dead Inside ch135 for reasons I'm not listing here because spoilers I guess. But really if you don't remember R I don't know?? What to???
Amaryllis - sort of in charge of the Rebellion, alongside Alpha--in charge of battle planning and coordinating, etc. Really the only extremely important Marluxia, but I will list a few other mentioned ones I remember.
Thistle - kind of just... around... with the Rebellion. He got a couple chapters in Can't Escape to himself.
Snapdragon - extremely good at battle, and definitely a battle consultant for the Rebellion. A little reckless though. He's the guy who tried to attack Xemnas in Dead Inside and in Nothing's Fair got real mad when someone tried to stop him from attacking Saix.
Tulip - also with the Rebellion, not quite a good fighter (there was something slightly off with his data that made most of his responses delayed)--was eventually kidnapped by 37 and L and Rewritten to serve the Organization aka Saix. He also showed up in a Nothing's Fair chapter.
There is only one Replica of Xigbar, known as Xigbar's Clone, despite that not being the proper terminology. Xigbar was the one who always referred to him as Clone, which is what made the title catch on.
Xigbar and his clone made a formidable team, because the only thing worse than one Xigbar is, of course, two.
Xigbar kept nothing from his clone, so his clone probably knew all of Xemnas's secrets. Not to mention, of course, Xigbar's clone often went to meetings, posed as Xigbar, or followed out orders, posed as Xigbar. Few people could tell them apart.
(Xemnas probably could tell them apart. Obviously, though, Xemnas didn't care.)
the Experiments
The Experiments were a set of Replicas built by Vexen---Vexen from my universe, of course, not magik's Vexen---to test what would happen when he combined data from two separate people. Because that was a thing.
Joseph - is really the only important Experiment, largely because he's the only survivor. Saix killed all the other ones on receiving control of the Program. Joseph spent a lot of time around Riku (and then Namine) because he (they) were the only people remotely his age in Castle Oblivion. He plays only a secondary / minor role on the plot, really, but BOY is he around a lot.
Toby - second most important Experiment, and the only one besides Joseph who survived Saix's initial massacre. He and Joseph became friends, since they were the only survivors, though a failure in Toby's data inevitably killed him.
Raymond and Patrick - Joseph's closest friends before the Rebellion started and Saix, well..... They show up a bit in Nothing's Fair, but really the only important thing is that they were Joseph's friends.
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