Monday, July 25, 2016


Name: Zexion Alpha

Personality notes:

- a huge prick

- likes getting his way

- I can’t remember a time he was nice to Riku?

- Selfish, puts himself and his causes above others, isn’t above using and manipulating people to achieve his needs

- stubborn as Heck, will not budge on an opinion

- puts more weight on his shoulders than he should

- is kind of suffering?? But he takes it out in really mean ways so, it’s hard to have sympathy for him ((well, it’s hard for Riku to have sympathy for him, I guess))

Other notes:

- has read the Hunger Games

- kind of the leader of the Rebellion. He and Amaryllis both lead it.

- will never let Vexen touch a computer

- always thinks he’s right


Feeling important, probably

When people interrupt him when he’s like ten pages away from finishing a book
Actually, getting interrupted in general

Notable Abilities:

Some illusionary powers! He doesn’t use them much in-story though

Can run the Replica Program in full, though he was not one of the (few) Replicas that Even trusted with the passwords for the Emergency Protocols

Fighting Style / Battle Stats:

Largely just copies your attacks and throws them back at you. I don’t remember, but I’m 90% positive his illusionary magic is only that: illusions—he can’t make something physical with his powers so it’s not a lot of use in battle, except to trick people


- was the first Zexion Replica!

- was friends with Delta before the Rebellion

- realized real early on that Even had only made the Zexion Replicas to replace Ienzo, and wanted nothing to do with Even afterwards (this is why he never learned the passwords for the Emergency Protocols)

- ENDED UP HAVING TO,,, well ok he didn’t even have to but he decided he was going deactivate all the Replicas to keep them from Saix. Seeing as he couldn’t use the Emergency Protocol for it, he had to do it manually for each Replica, and it was a real toll on him?? He only got through the Zexion Replicas (and, would have deactivated himself if Amaryllis hadn’t stopped him)

- lead the Rebellion in Dead Inside!!! He kind of, unhealthily poured himself into it….

- (He also manipulated Riku into helping with it, told Riku that he owed it to them, etc)

- HE’S,,, there’s a lot of things in Dead Inside but in general it’s usually: Alpha has an opinion that may be right but that everyone hates, no he won’t be budged on it

- what’s he doing in ATR?? Hanging around Castle Oblivion still. What else is he supposed to do, really

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