Character tag
Name: Yuffie
Age: 17
Height: 5’3
BD: Nov 20
Appearance notes:
Slouches a lot bc she’s lazy and Classic Teenager. Short black hair. Because Wutai in FF7 was specifically based of Japan, she, well, looks Japanese! Likes tank-tops + shorts. Would never wear a skirt or anything remotely fancy.
Personality notes:
- Typical whiney teenager. Complains a lot.
- Tries to act tougher than she really is but she’s also?? Well, 17 isn’t a kid, but it’s still… not an adult. She’s still young.
- Not very good with manners!!! Being an orphan living on the streets for the first like, twelve years of your life will do that??
- Tries her best to be supportive, even though she’s not terribly good at it!!!
- Cracks rude jokes a lot
- Doesn’t know when to be quiet
- MEANS WELL, USUALLY!!!! She’s not good with people or interacting w/ anyone who’s not Aerith or Leon or Cid but she’s trying!!!!!
- Hard to get to know ((doesn’t open up quickly to new people)) but usually a lot of fun when do get to know her!!
- Kind of the “I don’t know how to people well nor am I good at saying things that aren’t mean but hey I really like you and want to support you because your family” older sister?? At least re: Riku. I guess she’d be that but younger sister to Aerith/Leon ((Cid is more of the weird uncle))
Other notes:
- Will steal your things ((though she USUALLY gives them back later))
- Really into / good at video games!!! Especially like, original Super Mario Bros.
- Clingy???
- Will she and Cid ever agree on something? Unlikely
- Always more comfortable in a situation if she has something to do with her hands (like, play with a tennis ball)
- Like Riku, she’s kind of?? Constantly amazed about her family, about having a family. She doesn’t cry often, but she’ll always cry when anything re: family comes up because it’s a really nice feeling to feel like you belong somewhere
Video games
Improving her thief skills
Her family? Belonging to a family??
The fact that Riku can always catch her when she tries to
steal from him
When someone picks up the munny from fighting heartless
before she can
Being told off
Ppl assuming she’s no good at something
Notable Abilities:
Thief / sneaking skills, but, that’s it
Fighting Style / Battle Stats:
Has her shuriken! Largely just fights with that, so, ranged attacks. Knows some basic magic but doesn’t use it that often.
- at some young age, her parents died in an accident and she was put in an orphanage
- ((she does not remember what happened to her parents, or much about them. Some of this is just she was too young, some of this is trauma related))
- at age 12, when Radiant Garden fell, Aerith and Leon and Cid ran into her and insisted she come with them to Traverse Town
- despite swearing she was only coming w/ them for the escape ship, she ended up not leaving, like, ever? It was nice having a bed. And being fed regularly. AND IT WASN’T LIKE AERITH AND LEON WERE GOING TO KICK HER OUT, EVEN IF CID PROBABLY AT ONE POINT SAID SHE WAS MORE TROUBLE THAN SHE WAS WORTH
- being adopted into the HB fam? It was gradual thing more than it was for Riku but over time it went from “I just live in their house” to “we’re family, I guess????”
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