Name: Cloud
Age: 24
Height: 5’7
BD: Aug 11
Appearance notes:
Spiky blonde hair! Mako blue eyes—a sort of bluish/greenish
color. Lanky, probably at least a little underweight. Some decent muscles. Most
likely wears his advent children clothes, though maybe minus the arm sleeve
(seeing as he doesn’t have any geostigma to hide).
Personality notes:
- Mostly aloof. Doesn’t want strangers in his business,
doesn’t want to worry his friends about shit because it’s Not Their Problem in
his opinion (I mean, he’s wrong, but)
- Not exactly moody broody ((THANK GOD HE AND SQUALL BOTH
AREN’T IN THOSE STAGES IN KH)) but like I said!! Aloof. Keeps to himself.
Doesn’t like sharing his emotions like ever, and still carries a lot of guilt
on his shoulders for a lot of things
- Pretty knowledgeable about darkness / shadows, having dealt
personally w/ both
- Always alert to danger, will react in .02 seconds
- Kind of bad w/ social skills? Being the outcast in your
hometown does that
- Most jokes go over his head.
- Bad at relaxing with his friends or, at all. Always tense.
Other notes:
- Not a morning person
- At least a little paranoid
- Horrible at cooking all around
- Very VERY rarely actually answers his phone—lets it go to
voicemail constantly
- Tries to do everything by himself
- Has an eye for the little details
Sunlight and warm breezes
Mountains. Climbing mountains. The taste of thin air, the
feel of unsteady rocks below your feet and under your hands.
The smell of baking
Kids, though he’s bad at, interacting with them
His friends getting hurt, to the extent of shutting them out
Being forced to face the consequences of his actions
People who act like everything’s fine when nothing’s fine
Notable Abilities:
A resistance to darkness
Fighting Style / Battle Stats:
Typical FF Protag! Decent balance of magic and physical
attacks. Most of his physical attacks are really strong?? Some of that is him,
a lot of that is just the size / weight of that sword. Fancy attacks often.
Omnislash. A lot of rushing at enemies and cleaving them in two. Uses his magic
to make his physical attacks stronger more than he, like, uses it as just magic
- grew up in Nibelhiem on FF7’s world. Was an outcast among
all the other kids, Tifa and only Tifa ever, uh, really talked to him. A Real
Momma’s Boy
- was a really rash kid and did a lot of really really
stupid things???? He grew out of that though ((though he’ll probably think of
something seemingly stupid in battle and go. Welp. Sure doesn’t look like I’ve
got another choice.))
- At age 16 Cloud leaves home to find his fortune out in the
world(s), which is a thing a lot of boys from backwater towns in FF7’s world
do? Zack, also did this
- ended up in Olympus, met Zack
- he and Zack traveled together a lot from there on, and also
crashed at the Gainsborough house a lot
- ((Cloud missed out on FF8 because he wasn’t there when
Rinoa showed up, so he ended up just bunking with Elmyra quite often during the
months while Zack and Aerith and Leon were gone. She probably enjoyed the company.))
- when Elmyra dies, Zack stays a lot with Aerith and Leon
for support. Cloud stays too, seeing as he a) kind of just goes wherever Zack
goes b) also wants to help support his friends

- though Cloud probably would have benefited from bunking
with Aerith and Leon while they all dealt with the grief, this is where Cloud
just starts constantly traveling the worlds, never stopping, always moving
- some of this is because he’s afraid of Sephiroth hurting
his friends. A lot of this is he’s just running away from his problems and if
he’s alone he doesn’t have to think about it.
- Cloud deals with Sephiroth largely solo. Sometimes Tifa is
there, but that’s only until Cloud can lose her
- eventually Cloud defeats Sephiroth, but he doesn’t stop
traveling once Sephiroth is gone
- since then he’s literally just, constantly been on the
move. He never stops, he never stays with his friends for long. Tifa is always
one step behind him because he’s avoiding her as much as he is avoiding
everything else. He’s mellowed, sure, and maybe he’s confronted some of his
fears and guilts by now, but he still can’t make himself stay in one place any
more. He can’t stand not being on the move.
- OH!!! Though, I guess since ATR he’s finally stopped
avoiding Tifa?? It’s established that they’re traveling together now (though
still constantly moving), vs Cloud traveling alone, so I guess that’s a step up
- Cloud helped out Sora a lot in Dead Inside. Traveling with
him for a bit, telling him about darkness and shadows and whatever. They aren’t
as close as Tifa and Kairi ended up being, but, it is a friendship (of sorts)
that exists, and a thing that Cloud did
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