Friday, July 15, 2016


Name: Roxas

Age: 14

Height: 5’6

BD: He was built on Oct 19th

Appearance notes:

A mix between Sora and Ven, being something of a Replica of them both. He has the same face as Ven, but most everything else he has is Sora’s (like, his lackluster height). His skin is brown, like Sora’s, and his hair is a golden color, which is like Ven’s except darker because Ven’s is more of a pale blonde. He’s of an average build, probably has some defined muscles, etc.

Personality notes:

- Again: somewhat of a mix between Sora and Ven. Wants to help out. Doesn’t understand everything but wants to Learn, Discover, Know

- Think: First Half Of Days Roxas???

- Polite, kind, tries to help out whenever he can.

- Has a strong sense of justice, of what’s fair and what’s not

- Has a pretty surprising amount of patience

- Just wants to make sense of things

Other notes:

- Though technically a Replica of Sora, Xemnas supplemented memories of Ven to stabilize Sora’s unstable data, which is why Roxas looks the way he does

- Isn’t sure how he feels about the Organization

- Has ghost memories of both Sora and Ven’s life in his head, though it’s more like he gets feelings when a moment reminds him of them and less like he literally can see all of Sora and Ven’s memories

- Doesn’t understand why Xion is so insistent on giving up????

- He cannot seem to catch a break


Fighting’s pretty fun
Joseph and his friends are pretty chill?
Having time off
Ice cream

Melted ice cream
Particularly large heartless
When no one listens to him??
The way Xemnas always look at him, like he’s, property??? YUCK.

Notable Abilities:

None, really! Outside of a Keyblade, anyway.

Fighting Style / Battle Stats:

Well balanced!!! Average fighter. Has a good handle on both physical and magical attacks. 

Tends to analyze his situation and come up w/ a strategy before attacking, especially when dealing with a big heartless! This is as much being careful as it is programming to make sure he doesn’t rush into something recklessly and get himself killed


- being built by the Organization

- being used by the Organization to make Kingdom Hearts

- meeting / befriending Xion

- becoming friends with Axel

- considered joining the Rebellion at one point

- everything re: Xion’s failing data

- the, well, end of Nothing’s Fair lol

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