Monday, July 25, 2016


she looks legitimately pleasant, like she's having a nice conversation, i'll cry
Name: Larxene Replica R

Personality notes:

- PROBABLY KINDER THAN MOST LARXENES, but, I mean, she still went out of her way to make viruses to inflict other Replicas with for no other reason than she could, so…..

- incredibly smart and insufferably braggy about it

- likes making jokes, thinks too highly of her jokes (and, herself)

- would definitely inflict someone with a virus just because they pissed her off (I MEAN, SHE HAS)

- either you think she’s insufferable because she’s a Larxene and Larxene’s are just kind of rude, or you think she’s insufferable because she won’t babbling about tech-related things and either talks down at you or, if you know nothing about it, it’s just annoying

Other notes:

- specifically created around 15 viruses tailored to work on Replicas and give them things like: symptoms of the common cold, the inability to think straight, MAKE THEM CONSTANTLY SING????

- caught every virus she ever wrote, so, haha, that was fun

- she and 7 get along really well!!! I cry about their friendship

- talks to her computer


Hanging out with 7
Writing viruses (as a challenge)
Writing viruses (to see what destruction they wreak)
Working with computers in general
Her old, clunky, pieced together computer

Getting laughed at because her? A Larxene? Working with computers?? PFFFF
Catching every single virus she writes
She and Xemnas did not get along, if he cared???
Actually she didn’t mind 7 curing her viruses, like you might expect because a) it was part of the fun b) SEEING AS SHE CAUGHT THEM, SHE WANTED HIM TO CURE THEM AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE

Notable Abilities:

Super smart, can work a computer!! Wasn’t taught by Even the ins and outs of the Replica Program, but figured it out herself. Either hacked the computer or wormed the passwords out of 7 at some point. ((Just because she can work the full Program does not mean she uses it for good!))

Fighting Style / Battle Stats:

General Larxene things. Knives, lightning, quick punches. Didn’t get into fights often, but, that’s largely because fights didn’t really happen before the Rebellion and she wasn’t a part of the Rebellion so she wouldn’t have fought for them


- spending the week after her creation in 7’s office

- getting to know 7, becoming friends with him (he, probably taught her some of how the Replica Program worked, either knowingly or just because she picked up fast from watching over his shoulder)

- working on her viruses, avoiding death by Xemnas’s hand, catching all of her viruses, etc

- being good friends with 7 in general

- helped 7 smuggle Xion out of danger, much to her dismay

- refused to take sides in the Rebellion

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