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Name: Leon
Age: 25
Height: 5’9
BD: Aug 23
Appearance notes:
Won’t Stop Wearing That Jacket. Brown hair, blue eyes, honestly even though he and Aerith aren’t related by blood you might not have been able to tell? Has a scar across the bridge of his nose. Likes leather and belts mb too much.
Personality notes:
- Quiet and keeps to himself a lot, extremely an introvert.
- The other mom friend
- Keeps a level head in almost all scenarios, though when his family’s threatened he kind of,,, forgets,,,
- Like Aerith, was raised to Be Polite Be Nice Be Helpful
- Gentle, compassionate, A Gainsborough Through And Through
Other notes:
- Leon is adopted siblings with Aerith! Like FF8 canon, his father (Laguna) left an unknowingly-pregnant Raine (Leon’s mother) behind while he went to take care of business w/ Adel. Raine died before Leon was even a year old, and he was adopted by Elmyra (who was a good friend of Raine’s)
- Has not gone by the name Squall for around five years now
- He was raised by a Healer Mother, so he knows the ins and outs of healing that are more complicated than “cast cure and let it do its job”—he’s not as good as Aerith, but he’s still probably second best out of the FtPcast as a whole
His sister, Aerith (of course)
His family (of course)
Spending time with his friends
HIS GUNBLADE, he obsesses over keeping that thing in
pristine shape
Heartless, Xehanort, Maleficent, Etc
Being put on the spot
Notable Abilities:
Second best healer, behind Aerith
Though he never gets Feelings quite the same way Aerith does, he has been known to get some significantly weaker ones re: his family. That might just be one of those sibling telepathy things, though?
Fighting Style / Battle Stats:
Well balanced between physical and magic!!!! I mean, he is a FF character and an RPG protagonist. Nothing outstanding here. Learned through practice on his own time (with maybe some training, but nothing as intensive as SeeD training would have been). If Aerith’s busy, then he can play healer.
- growing up with Aerith, and in RG in general! Being raised by a healer mother—learning healing, even though he didn’t get quite as deep into it as Aerith did (he was slightly less interested and it wasn’t like Elmyra was going to force him to learn more than the basics)
- Aerith skipped school, Leon always brought home her work from the day and helped her through classes!!!! I get a feel thinkin about that

- being close friends with Zack!!! We tend to take the easy route and think it was only Aerith who was close to him (ok, and Cloud) but everyone (except Yuffie who wasn’t around yet) was really close to Zack??? BETWEEN FF8 AND ZACK JUST BEING CONSTANTLY OVER they were really really really good friends, I’ll cry
- losing his mother
- losing Zack, a year later
- losing Radiant Garden….. just months after that…..
- living in Traverse Town. His funk was as much I just lost everything as Aerith’s but his had a bonus of feeling like he’d let down everyone who’d ever relied on him. He changed his name because he was real tired of being Squall the screw-up
- helping out Riku and Namine through Falling to Pieces
- moving back to HB, rebuilding HB, Dead Inside as a whole. Leon is the sort of head of the restoration committee, so he handles most of the rebuilding as well as organizing
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