Roxas 2.0

Name: Roxas

Age: 15

Height: 5’6

BD: Technically, October 19th, seeing as that’s when he was first created. He was Rebuilt on March 30th, though, and hasn’t been around long enough yet to celebrate either of those dates

Appearance notes:

his arms are basically like this
A mix between Sora and Ven, being something of a Replica of them both. He has the same face as Ven, but most everything else he has is Sora’s (like, his lackluster height). His skin is brown, like Sora’s, and his hair is a golden color, which is like Ven’s except Ven’s is more of a pale blonde. He’s of an average build, probably has some defined muscles, etc.

Wears the org pants because they’re flexible. Kept the org cloak, though he doesn’t wear it. wears a (fitted, probably) t-shirt of some sort. Has Way Too Many accessories on his arms because Hell Yeah Strength / Defense Ups.

Personality notes:

- Hooooooo is he an Asshole

- I don’t think there’s been a single person in Dead Inside that Roxas has been nice to?

- Okay, he helped Sora out, and he was nice to Kairi, but he was also rude to them other times, so, like

- He’s rude, he doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings, he purposefully makes cruel jokes because he finds them funny.

- Cockiest piece of shit you will ever meet. Probably has too much faith in his abilities (but seeing as he was built to be the Perfect Replica, unlikely). Always full of himself.

- Almost always causal and joking, laid-back, unbothered by like, anything. Kind of gets that from hanging around Axel.

- Literally Not Interested In Your Shit If It Doesn’t Affect Him

Other notes:

- The Perfect Replica

- I mean, that should probably go in his battle notes or w/e, but, it’s his most defining trait. He was (re)built to be perfect.

- Not exactly the same person he used to be, but not exactly a new person, either.

- Though he had the memories of Xion blocked from his data, heart stuff + Kairi unblocked them, and he access has all of them (along with the events of Nothing’s Fair as a whole) now.

- Will always want to duel, because fighting Heartless doesn’t quite scratch the itch of wanting to have a Real Challenge every once in a while.

- He was built with programming that makes him get fidgety if he hasn’t fought Heartless recently, and, it’s still there

- He cannot seem to catch a break


Fighting Heartless
Not having a limit on his magic casts
Watching people get mad at him when he says something cruel

The Rebellion as a whole, honestly??? Programming is hard to fight
Riku, more than he should
Having his time wasted
Being told he can’t do something (especially if that something has anything to do with fighting)

Music taste: classic rock, U2, something of a music elitist.

Favorite color: probably, gold? Sunset colors.

Notable Abilities:

Two Keyblades because that was a thing Xemnas somehow programmed into his data

He can imitate anyone’s fighting style (that can be adapted to Keyblade anyway) after only seconds of observing it, meaning he can copy your attacks and toss them right back at you

Fighting Style / Battle Stats:

He was built to be the Perfect Replica, and built with a strength / combat ability that could rival Riku’s. He’s a powerhouse, he’s got like zero weaknesses, you better hope he’s on your side.

He shows off all the time. Spins his Keyblades around in his hands constantly, pulls off real fancy moves, Dual Wielding Roxas in general. Has a pretty good grasp on magic. He’ll probably kick your ass.

Maybe him being overly cocky could be, like, a way to take him down? But unlikely, because he’s not cocky for no reason. His abilities are crazy terrifying, and if he is your opponent, you’re gonna have a rough time overpowering him.


- being built by the Organization in Nothing’s Fair

- being used by the Organization to make Kingdom Hearts

- meeting / befriending Xion

- becoming friends with Axel

- all of Nothing’s Fair, nothing major standing out to me outside like, dealing with Xion’s falling apart thing? I guess? There’s a lot of Nothing’s Fair that literally doesn’t affect him anymore. Again, while he's not exactly a new person, he's not exactly the same he used to be, either.

- being rebuilt as not just something Axel wanted, but as Xemnas’s personal pet-project

- he played a pretty big role in the end of Dead Inside, helping Riku and Kairi and Sora take out the Organization, though being a jerk to each of them separately once the battles were all over and everything was done

- as of ATR, he’s trying to find Axel, but not really having any luck.

Have a bonus shot of him showing off w/ his Keyblades:

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